Dec 29, 2021
Let’s take a break from Alien Hunting. This episode traces back the roots of Higher Density Living as Alex and Jason return to the Law of One. The process of channeling took a long 4 years for Alex to work out his enlightenment and for his extraterrestrial friends to channel their mutual understanding of knowledge....
Dec 27, 2021
This episode talks about the metaphysics of reality. What is real? And how real is it in it itself? The truth is that "reality" is defined by experience. You may or may not be open to ideas of Aliens or Extraordinary phenomena beyond wild imaginations, but the experience exists within there. The denial of openness...
Dec 23, 2021
Lessons take an entire lifetime to understand. Many have searched to tame the ultimate reality of wisdom and meaning of life, as such, man has established complex disciplines, philosophy, school of thought, and ideas to the many meanings of life. The last episode dealt with Worry, Anxiety, and Fear, now we go forward on...
Dec 22, 2021
The Ayn Rand podcast series of Higher Density Living delivered compelling discursive argumentations against the spoils of Freedom. It is crucial to highlight the self-preservation of individual free will despite the conformity of collective norms. Inlined to creational laws, the immaculate conditions of Reason and Free...
Dec 20, 2021
The Lonnie Zamora Incident closely examines NASA satellite instruments to the National Radio Astronomical Observatory Station, where the VLA satellites are located. As authentic locals of New Mexico, Alex-Jason invites us to their home state, and in 1964, police officer Lonnie Zamora pursued a reckless speeding driver...