Apr 29, 2021
In this episode, Alex and Jason revisit some aspects of the Material Human Condition, primarily the “Primacy” of Ego and its substantive purpose in Life. The intransitivity of Ego in the Material Reality had directed the urgency to uplift this world into Higher State of Densities, a hubris of the past and a...
Apr 29, 2021
In this episode, Alex and Jason talk about different stages of Higher Density and its implicit manifestations through the material reality. They wrap up the mini-series by revisiting the remaining important details of the Ra Material and further discussion on Teachings and Service to Others. Jason and Alex offer a...
Apr 26, 2021
This podcast episode shall continue to scrutinize popular tropes and teachings regarding the infamous Orion entities and Law of One Ra teaching. Jason and Alex pivot through an interesting navigation on Thought Processes, Empirical awareness of the environment, and the acknowledgment of Material and Non-Material...
Apr 23, 2021
Jason and Alex continue the discussion on Negatively Oriented Beings with this second part Podcast episode. They will further discuss Harvest Abilities and its consequence on plausible Human “contacts” in various cosmic bodies, particularly on harder focuses on the concepts of Power, Control, and Subjugation of Free...
Apr 21, 2021
In this episode, Alex and Jason talk about different stages of Higher Density and how it manifests through material reality. This episode discusses Negatively Oriented Beings and various literature pertinent in echo chambering spiritual systems as battery maximizers and understanding these phenomenal contacts manifested...