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Higher Density Living Podcast

Oct 30, 2021

This final part of the Enlightenment series follows a more pragmatic approach to enlightenment as Alex and Jason conclude their ideas of micro-triggers. As with the previous episode, they present us a connection of command under the guise of a metaphorical “programme” to human Free Will in line with the logic of...

Oct 28, 2021

The second part expands more on the ideas of micro-triggers and how they stack up to everyday life and affect common decisions in every action you make. Alex and Jason connect the command of “programme” to human free will inlined with the logic of Creational Laws. Free Will enables you to harness triggers as it...

Oct 26, 2021

Higher Density Living first tackled European Idealism in the Episode French Enlightenment Fail (you can watch it first if you haven’t) in which Alex and Jason discussed the future consequences of liberalism and idealism philosophy now permeating in the modern cancel culture movement. The Enlightenment period started...

Oct 22, 2021

Alex and Jason continue the point of departure in Dr. Daniel Frys’ discussion with the Extraterrestrials. The conscious knowing of Nuclear Destruction and observable hostilities of human politics during the Cold War had brought significant retrospect for a realignment of global development in technology and...

Oct 21, 2021

In this episode, Alex and Jason continue the trope of augmenting technology and collective wisdom to develop civilizational awareness of growth. Dr. Daniel Fry manages to understand the synthesis of positive energy into human perception and biological senses. As with technology itself, Creation has clever technological...