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Higher Density Living Podcast

Dec 14, 2019

Look within and live your life on the edge of two worlds. A reality where you find true understanding of who you are. Take the step into the unknown with Alexander McCaig and Jason Rigby as they explore the thinly veiled world of consciousness, spirit, and the human condition. Join them in embodying the oneness of all. Walk the cliffs edge between the seen and the unseen realities. Welcome to Higher Density Living.

Who could have thought there is much to learn from a Jesuit turned Buddhist teacher. Jason-Alex discuss the major transformative theme of Anthony De Mello's brutally honest yet spiritual book of self reflection called The Way to Love. Its amazing what happens to the healing of the mind and the ego when one can realize life's great attachments. Even being attached to life itself. Do not think that this book escapes you as it encompasses a theme that we can all share in globally, and learn to overcome singularly to supercharge our spiritual evolution. Learn to Love without attachment. Honestly be in control of your emotions. Enhance you perspective of reality. Leave the illusion.

Look within and live your life on the edge of two worlds. A reality where you find true understanding of who you are. The learning is done. Become the teacher in embodying the oneness of all. Become a Higher Density Being.
