Oct 26, 2021
Higher Density Living first tackled European Idealism in the Episode French Enlightenment Fail (you can watch it first if you haven’t) in which Alex and Jason discussed the future consequences of liberalism and idealism philosophy now permeating in the modern cancel culture movement. The Enlightenment period started off as a renaissance of classical aesthetics in the form of Architecture Painting and Sculpting, and Music throughout Anglo-Saxon Civilization. History tells a story of massive development and great innovation in the human mind, but the future shows otherwise.
In this podcast episode, get ready to get soaked with Continental European Jargons as Alex-Jason together expands the deconstruction of liberal universalities of democratic systems, individual rights, autonomy, and freedom are not absolute things. Liberalism and Idealism are NOT positive truths nor absolute desire. For all the grandiose clamor among academic pundits and intellectual celebration, the Enlightenment only represents a small detail of Creational Laws that govern the whole Universe. The Law of One manifests its teachings across every aspect of human knowledge, no matter how sober, the retrenchment of humanities and social sciences moves along with the weaving tailors of Creational Laws, albeit showing a speck of Creation in its entirety. Take note to synthesize every character and element of thought in Creation. As the saying goes, calm comes after the storm. Every Negative experience and pain reciprocates a profound learning experience and discovery towards growth.
Let’s join them in this three-part series Podcast as they venture once again with Western Philosophy in this episode of Higher Density Living. www.higherdensityliving.com