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Higher Density Living Podcast

Sep 24, 2020

Climbing the social ladder? Pfft, try more like the spiritual ladder.

Look within and live your life on the edge of two worlds. A reality where you find true understanding of who you are. Take the step into the unknown with Alexander McCaig and Jason Rigby as they explore the thinly veiled world of consciousness, spirit, and the human condition. Join them in embodying the oneness of all. Walk the cliffs edge between the seen and the unseen realities. Welcome to Higher Density Living.

Everything existing in nature and in the universe and within the Creation itself, consists in the striving, in fundamental and ground-breaking (like a germinating seed) form, in the striving – in the striving for the future, in the striving for the higher things, for evolution, for the highest possible Absolutely-full-development. A development where we as a spirit rejoin with that when we came. Furthermore no stage of evolution, learning, or development can be skipped. Therefore we would recommend not skipping this episode because it's a whopper of a spiritual teaching.

Look within and live your life on the edge of two worlds. A reality where you find true understanding of who you are. The learning is done. Become the teacher in embodying the oneness of all. Become a Higher Density Being.




