Aug 24, 2022
Welcome back to Higher Density Living! In this episode, we illuminate the stark, and often polarizing behaviors of Nicholas Notovitch’s critics. This ancient social phenomenon is as old as time but still manifests itself in reincarnating biases and dogma in contemporary belief systems or ideology.
This episode offers a digestive study on “Social interactionism”, a mainstream social theory and philosophy in the social sciences. Originally conceived by Albert Bandura. But this complex phenomena is streamlined by the intuitive discourse of Alex and Jason discuss the evolutionary biases, a natural perspective of man to defend his own objective belief therefore, preventing him to open up the endless possibilities and opportunities of learning experiences. It also features the dark sides of cancel culture. Behind the mask of contemporary idealism, we interact in an even battle among our dogmas to define the idea of progress.
It is not for us to tell how they should grow. They are on THEIR OWN evolutionary journey of knowing the self. It is for them to realize for themselves. We should be thankful for the fact that ALL people think differently from each other. Because this diversity of thought and understanding affords us the catalyst to grow independently of each other. If you cancel the catalyst, you cancel your own evolution. At the end of the day, we are all people in one race. Human race is within our DNA. And being human means having the power to love and understand.
Higher Density Living has no dogma, only the truth prevails in the universe. Let us join Alex and Jason as they discuss the biases of belief and perspectives.